Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Waiting for this week to be over...

I {wish} i had the time to pick up my camera tonight, but unfortunately, i don't.

So quickly, just popping in to share this shot of Alex from a few weeks back. And the other from last night. Two of my favourite portrait shots of him, so far. It's the eyes, i think.

Anyway, once again, thank-you for the lovely comments and some who have emailed me. I will hopefully be able to attend to them rather soon..



  1. He's so handsome! I wish my brother would let me take photos of him!

  2. I love them both, his eyes are amazing. Great shots.

  3. Hi! I just got your comment on my blog.. So glad you gave me your blog address. I love how whimsical so many of your pictures are. Thank you for checking out my blog it is a treat to have a fellow photographer let me know what they think...

  4. He really has the most amazing eyes... you'll be fielding a lot of calls from girls soon. :)

    Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog. I love your playlist; it
    makes for a really relaxing visit each time. :)

  5. Your photography is so magical, i visit you're blog almost everyday. Keep up the lovely work :-)


Any comments are more than welcome and greatly appreciated. If you wish to chat further, email me here: kat.schultz@hotmail.com