Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Do you believe in Fate?

I’ve never won a competition in my entire life.

But the other day i won 2 VIP passes to a premiere in Syndey, at FOX studios, to mingle with a number of directors and actors including Geoffrey Rush. However, for once in my life, I couldnt access my emails for a few days, then simply forgot to do it.

This meant i couldn’t claim my prize.

The premiere was on Friday.

I wasn’t there. I missed out.

Devastated doesn’t sum it up.

Somebody please make me feel better! It was fate? I wasn’t meant to go!?

Now excuse me while i continue to drown in agony at the thought that i could have taken pictures at this premiere.

Until i actually do manage to do something as exciting as that…here is 2 of Alex…


Not exactly Geoffrey Rush…but whatever…


Anyway, don’t forget to follow me on twitter :

And ask any questions here:

I’m off to find and consume an enormous amount of chocolate.

K xx

Monday, September 20, 2010

From the couch.

I decided that I was tired of this photo-taking drought.

Emily twirled past me in the afternoon light.

I asked for, “just a few quick photos.”


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Why did she get the genes for beautiful golden curly hair?

I am insanely jealous.

Which is your favourite photograph and why?

Love-ity love and sunshine,

K x 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I never shared these.

Forgive me. My blogging as of late, has been terrible.

It’s getting me down too, i just haven't properly done a shoot in a LONG time (when i say a long time, i mean around a month) – which is a long time for me anyway.

So forgive me. I haven’t posted, because i haven’t thought of anything to post.

Then i remembered that, I have never shown you these:

June 2010. Amelia: {she has the most divine dimples and blue eyes..}







Doesn’t she just resemble an angel???

Which of those do you love the best, and why?

I hope you can all forgive me for my lack of blogging – we also had internet troubles, but that is all fixed up now…

Have a wonderful weekend :)

Much love,

Kat x

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bit and pieces.

Apologies in advance for the random array of photographs that will appear in this post.

I’ll start at the beginning.


1. Sunday Morning. This is the moment in time where the kid is in between being by mum to put his clothes for the day on, and being a ninja and actually dodging mum. Ha, i know, he seems innocent in this shot. But right after? He threw a pillow at my head. I still love this shot though. The kid is growing.


2. My nineteen year old brother left us on Monday morning to study for an entire year in the USA. Heavy hearts over in this house today, heavy hearts. This shot actually not only demonstrates my insomnia that i had that night/morning, but shows that even at 6.11am in the morning i still have the desire to pick up my camera (of all things i could be doing, ie: still sleeping) And i love this photo. It’s foggy, and misty and sad. Like the moment.


3. Cam himself, Monday morning at the airport. Looking rather pleased with himself. Well, to be honest, i would be too if i was leaving Wintery Australia for Sunny California!


4. This one? Back in July. It just makes me sigh. The flare is my therapy tonight.

And finally. Exciting news!! I have published my portfolio on Blurb, as i am getting one in print to keep and cherish in the future!! I’d love for you to check it out and let me know what you think :)

Found here:

Have a wonderful day, where-ever you may be. And please, if you may, keep my travelling brother in your thoughts :)

K xx